Today I've been reviewing summer employment applications and writing interview questions. That has led me to think about my past jobs and interviews. I've had some doozies! Check this out (names have been changed to protect the guilty)...
- One interviewer introduced me to another employee and said, "This is Gina, and she is difficult." I felt so bad for Gina to be "outed" like that. But guess who my supervisor ended up being for that job? Yup -- Gina. And she was difficult!
- This same interviewer described herself as "not sensitive." I know now that I should have asked what she meant by that statement. Instead, I assumed she meant that she had a thick skin and didn't let little things bother her. The truth was, she didn't have a caring bone in her body and made sure we all knew it.
- Another interviewer opened the session by spending about 30 minutes telling me about the company and the job. When he finished, he said, "Do you have any questions for me?" He was clearly done with the interview. I had to say, "Would you like to know anything about me?"
-- I am thankful for all the jobs I've had, both good and very bad, because I've learned at least one thing from each of them. I know that I could never be as bad a manager as a couple of the ones I was subjected to. (Not the best sentence grammar, but you know what I mean.)
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i'm diggin' the poster
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