Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 70 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 11

Good New Book

I really enjoy the author Alexander McCall Smith. He has written several series', including the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, the Isabel Dalhousie mysteries, and the 44 Scotland Street series. Each story is full of interesting studies of character development. The mystery aspect of some of the books is light, focusing more on the characters and the development of the setting. Check them out for a taste of Africa or Scotland.

I'm thankful for:
-- discovering a good author who has written lots of books
-- time to read and the ability to get absorbed into a good book

Day 69 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 10

Fiery Lining

-- I'm thankful for the individual beauty of each sunset

Day 68 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 9

Mo's Watchful Eye

-- I'm thankful my cats like their kitty condo

Monday, March 09, 2009

Day 67 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 8

Coaster Daze

-- I'm thankful for interestingness

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Day 66 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 7

Highland Finery

The Tartan Ball was held last night at the Rainbow Gardens ballroom in Erie, PA. It was my first performance on tenor drum with the 96th Highlanders. It was fun! (I did discover that it takes a LONG time to get dressed into this gear: hose, flashing, kilt, sporran, shirt tie, vest, drum harness, hat, gillies, etc.)

-- I'm thankful for music of all kinds

New Look

Decided to freshen up the blog a bit. Do you like it?

Day 65 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 6

Turkey Trot

Saw a pair of these guys today. They are pretty slow so I was able to snap this pic before they got away. They are sure ugly birds, and I don't think they are very smart. One time I saw a flock standing on one side of a log, very perplexed on how to get to the other side. For some reason, jumping over hadn't occurred to them.

-- I'm thankful for surprising sights of nature

Day 64 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 5


This is a picture of snow melting. In order for this to happen, it has to be warm outside. Yes, it is! I brought back some warmer weather from AZ. Wheeeeeee!

-- I'm thankful for the impending change of seasons

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Day 63 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 4

Long Shadows

We’ve had sun consistently this week but it is still cold outside. At least we seem to be taking steps in the right direction. Come on, Spring – break through!

I have never been a fan of the author Anne Rice. I don’t consider vampires to be my genre of choice. However, I am intrigued by the recent news of her coming to faith in Christ. Today in Books & Culture magazine, I read a review of Anne’s new book, “Called Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Confession.” It looks intriguing – has anybody read it? Here’s what I learned about Anne:

  • Her daughter died of leukemia at age five

  • She went through a spell of heavy drinking

  • Her education was formulated at all-girls Catholic schools

  • She was named “Howard Allen” because her father wanted a son; she insisted on being called Anne but suffered gender identity issues

  • She abandoned her faith and “poured out the darkness and despair of an atheist” into 21 books, starting with “Interview With A Vampire”

  • While roaming the churches and cathedrals of Europe to research her vampire novels, she became convinced she was being pursued by something. “I was Christ haunted,” she says.

  • In 2002, she finally got the message, “Write for God.”

    I think I might like to read her latest book. Any other takers?

-- I'm thankful for interesting stories of conversion from unlikely sources

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Day 62 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 3

Mahjong Master

I love playing Mahjong on the computer and I think I'm pretty good at it. Imagine my surprise when, in AZ, I was taught to play the real game and discovered that it has NOTHING to do with the computer game except for the look of the tiles. It is quite puzzling that someone would create this computer game of the same name and have it be so dissimilar. Unfortunately, the real game is much harder than the computer version. I hope I'll get to play again one day so I can hone my skills.

On another note about games, has anyone ever played Mexican Train Dominos? Fun stuff!

-- I'm thankful for games and other activities that are fun and don't cost anything

Day 61 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 2

Sunbathing Beauty

Apparently I've brought the sun back from AZ.

-- I'm thankful for warm sun on cold days

Day 60 of 365 Day Experiment -- March 1

New Book

I've joined a group to discuss the book, "Resident Aliens: Life In The Christian Colony... A Provocative Christian Assessment of Culture And Ministry For People Who Know That Something Is Wrong." After one chapter, I find it a bit tedious but I'm told it gets better. I'll let you know what I think once we're into it further.

I'm thankful for:
-- changes of plans
-- naps
-- leftovers

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Day 59 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 28

Cool Advertising

I wrote back on Day 13 about my favorite coffee shop in town and the vehicle they had for advertising it. I saw it today, uncovered of snow, and took the photo as promised. Had my hazlenut steamer... all is right with the world.

-- I'm thankful for sweet drinks

Day 58 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 27

Barrel Cactus In Bloom

Having to head home today is depressing. I know it will be cold and snowy, but this little hiatus will give me the energy to make it to spring. Thanks to L&S for this wonderful week. Thanks, God, for the sun and warm weather!

I'm thankful for:
-- chinese food
-- renewal
-- yellow

Day 57 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 26

Watch Out

Got 43 more geocaches today... life is good.

I'm thankful for:
-- good conversation
-- seasons